Department Convention 2024

103rd Call to Convention

The 103rd Annual Convention of the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Nevada is hereby called, and in conformity with the Department Constitution & Bylaws, shall be held at the same time and place as the Department of Nevada American Legion convention, in Henderson, Nevada at the Sunset Casino on June 29th and 30th, 2024.


The Department Convention is called for the purpose of receiving reports from Department Officers and Committee Chairs; for the election of Department Officers in years required; for the election of Alternates and Delegates to the National Convention; and for the transaction of such business as may be properly brought before it.


Representation to the Convention shall be by units, and in accordance with the provisions of the Department Constitution and Bylaws, each unit in good standing shall be entitled to one delegate at-large, and one (1) delegate for each ten (10) members, or major fraction thereof, with six (6) being required for a major fraction. Said membership to be in the hands of the Department Secretary prior to the close of books for Department Convention, June 7, 2023. In addition, all Department Officers and Past Department Presidents, IF PRESENT, shall be allowed a vote within their own delegation. Each Unit shall elect alternates up to, or equal to, the number of delegates elected. Alternates shall have the power to vote only in the absence of regular delegates.


There shall be a registration fee of five dollars ($5.00) per delegate. This fee shall be paid by the unit for each delegate for whom it is entitled, WHETHER PRESENT OR NOT (these fees must be paid whether your Unit has representation at Convention or not). The delegation shall not be allowed to vote until all fees owed to Department have been paid. Registration fees shall also be paid by their respective units to allow current Department Officers and Past Department Presidents to cast their vote. If these individuals are not present the fees are not required. Delegation check-in will be located with attendee check-ins. All delegate fees must be received by Department Headquarters NO LATER THAN June 7th. Fees won’t be accepted at Convention without prior approval.


Credential blanks are to be filled out and a copy is to be sent to the Department Secretary, along with the delegate fees, immediately after the election of the delegates. The chair of the delegation needs to check in for registration with their copy of the form. No unit delegation will be seated until all financial obligations to the Department shall be paid in full.

When mailing in membership to be counted for unit representation, the last day to put it in the mail is June 5th in order for that membership to reach the Department Secretary by the June 7th deadline.

NOTE: Membership sent “Signature Required for Delivery Confirmation” WON’T be accepted nor retrieved from the Post Office.

Convention Book Ads

Lodging Info

Interested Committee Chair Form