from Department Membership Chair
Glynis Seeley-Morris
As many of you have heard, membership is the life blood of any volunteer organization. Our Auxiliary is no different. We need our members. Whether they are very active and show up for every event that is planned, or they are the elderly or stay-at-home Moms that just cannot get out, but they are the ones we count on to send emails or make phone calls. Every member is important.
Our 2023 membership year is upon us. Renewal notices have been mailed. This time of year, is when many of our members have changes, change of address and some other contact information. Please make sure all members information is as up to date as possible.
At the National convention in Milwaukee there was a vote that will increase the National portion of dues per capita by $6.00 per Senior member starting with the 2024 year. The original proposal was for a six dollar increase and one dollar every other year after that to 2030. The incremental increases were taken out of the final amendment presented to the floor for the vote. There was much discussion from the floor on this one. There were multiple changes to the amendment. There was also, a large amount of “No” votes, but the majority went to the votes that passed the change to the $6.00 increase.
Please keep in mind there are some of our members struggling. If your Unit participates in a “pay it forward” type of program please let me know so I can put that in my yearly report for Membership. Does your Unit have an “Angel” that just pays for someone else and wants to keep it anonymous? Let me know about that too.
We do a lot in Nevada. Thank you.